062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

release what is blocking you!
A fabulous deep dive into the relationship between success and self validation. A chicken-egg kind of thing. My guest is Emily Perron – a stellar writer, speaker, and fellow coach. Emily asked to look at what is blocking HER next level of scale & influence for her business. Our coaching conversation questions our true definition of success, means vs ends, barriers, release and what embodied success looks like. You have to listen to hear how goddesses save the day! I am hoping that the coaching will help YOU ponder where self validation fits in & what will fundamentally free up YOUR success flow. Listen for the insights & inspiration that are meant for you.

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

061 BE-loved – With Just Amy!

clear your love inflow channel!
BE loved. This episode isn’t about self love or being more LOVING to others. Today is about a willingness to BE loved. Why am I bothering? Because I hold a deep & lasting belief in the power of love, personally & professionally. Love opens doors, it creates new perspectives & possibilities, it changes hearts & minds. This episode is short & very sweet – I invite you to relax & listen with love.

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

060 No More Shoulds – With Just Amy!

moving from should to shall
Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Today we are focusing on the shoulda. I invite you to put a stop to SHOULDING in your life. I want you to either choose freely with no sense of obligation OR just don’t do it. No more guilting yourself into actions or letting other people or forces guilt you. YOU have agency! Stand up and OWN your choices. What are the ‘shoulds’ that are weighing you down? I invite you today to throw off the shackles of shoulds.

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

059 Tipping Into Joy – With Just Amy!

how does joy work for YOU?
What’s your JOY ratio of late? Are you joy FULL or joy LESS? Take a breath to think about where and how much joy you are experiencing. Are you satisfied with your joy ratio? Today I want you to ponder how joy works for you. What YOU can do to hit a tipping point, where you just tip right over into joy FULL. I hope for you to walk away with insight AND action that will create a measurable increase of joy filled moments.

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

058 What Really Matters For 2024? – With Just Amy!

brainstorming for the “new” in your life!
Before you jump into resolutions and plans for the new year – I invite you to brainstorm with me. You get to lean back as I ask you a series of questions to help YOU consider, contemplate and hopefully find next level clarity. Clarity on WHAT REALLY MATTERS. This episode focuses on the new year HOWEVER pondering ‘what really matters’ is good for all seasons & reasons. You can use it for any kind of “new.”

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