The Growth Moment with Amy K Coaching
May 23, 2022

028 Growth From The Dark & Difficult – Spotlight Nikita Williams

leverage the tough times

Today I put the growth spotlight on Nikita Williams. Nikita’s story is about the powerful growth that can happen at our lowest points, the dark & difficult times – physically, emotionally, environmentally, spiritually. It’s that paradox that the really tough challenges can generate phenomenal shifts. Listen in on how YOU can leverage difficulties for the biggest momentum of all.

MY GUEST: Nikita Williams




This is a brand new format for The Growth Moment. Part of the beauty of having a podcast is I get to do what I want! I’m calling this new kind of episode a Growth Spotlight. I get to put a spotlight on a guest’s most important growth moment. They get to unpack the learning & share it with YOU. It’s extremely personal, reflective, full of insight and fuel for the future. 

My first growth spotlight is with Nikita Williams. Nikita is an extraordinary grower. She is a mindset business coach specializing in helping creative women with chronic illness craft a business & life without sacrificing their wellness. She also hosts a phenomenal podcast – She’s Crafted To Thrive. Nikita walks her talk – she lives & thrives with her own chronic illness – endometriosis & fibromyalgia. However, you don’t have to live with a chronic illness to find extraordinary value in Nikita’s story & her coaching. The lessons are for all of us.

Nikita’s story is about the powerful growth that can happen at our lowest points, the dark & difficult times – physically, emotionally, environmentally, spiritually. It’s that paradox that the really tough challenges can generate phenomenal shifts.

As Nikita starts to share, listen to the messages & ideas that are meant for YOU. Think about where YOU might be hitting some dark & difficult and perhaps how you can leverage this challenge for your biggest momentum of all.

Are You Ready For Your Own GROWTH MOMENT?

My purpose as a coach is to help unlock your full potential. Connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, visit The Growth Moment website, or email me at Go here to learn about all the ways to coach with me including one-on-one and my transformative group coaching.

Now, get out there and GROW TODAY!

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