The Growth Moment with Amy K Coaching
August 24, 2022033 Inner Critic 101 – With Just Amy!
clean & clear your inner runway
Is your Inner Critic kicking your ass? Life is challenging enough. Do NOT put up with trash talking inner saboteurs or gremlins throwing up more roadblocks. Today is Inner Critic 101! I am handing over a few foundational tools – indispensable if you are just getting started OR a great refresher/reboot if you already are on the journey of freeing yourself from the Inner Critic.
I have a long standing passion for working on Inner Critic issues – my OWN & others. That’s why it was the topic of my very first episode early in 2021 – coaching my client Scotty on HIS 800 pound gorilla of an inner critic. I’ve amassed a pretty deep toolkit over the years, constantly working on my own skills & side by side with my clients on theirs. Honestly, I could do a 10 week course on managing the bullshit in your mind. But today, I am giving you two classics – the ‘must have’ tools.
Why bother? You bother because there is a HUGE return on investment in improving your ability to manage your inner critics. You bother because inner critics are relentless & ruthless – always looking for their way in. You bother because YOUR full potential is priceless.
So, if you feel stuck or the speed bumps are looking like brick walls. If you are sliding into black & white thinking or hyper focusing on why you CAN’T do something. If you have that whirlpool of second guessing yourself, comparing yourself to others and coming up short. This is YOUR episode.
Get ready for the freedom that comes when you kick out your inner critic so that YOU are in charge. Open, both/and thinking, FLOW, momentum, creativity and possibilities.
Are You Ready For Your Own GROWTH MOMENT?
My purpose as a coach is to help unlock your full potential. Connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, visit The Growth Moment website, or email me at Go here to learn about all the ways to coach with me including one-on-one and my transformative group coaching.
Now, get out there and GROW TODAY!