The Growth Moment with Amy K Coaching
December 13, 2023

059 Tipping Into Joy – With Just Amy!

how does joy work for YOU?

What’s your JOY ratio of late? Are you joy FULL or joy LESS? Take a breath to think about where and how much joy you are experiencing. Are you satisfied with your joy ratio? Today I want you to ponder how joy works for you. What YOU can do to hit a tipping point, where you just tip right over into joy FULL. I hope for you to walk away with insight AND action that will create a measurable increase of joy filled moments. 



Joy has been on my mind. It’s been a coaching topic with one of my extremely high achieving & hard working clients. So, it got me thinking about the nature of joy generally. Is it generated by external factors? Or do we all have the same innate capacity for joy? Nature or nurture? Can we just decide to be joyful? Or do we need to purposefully develop our joy muscles? Do YOU know how joy works for you?

THIS is our playground today. We get to explore joy & see what we come up with. This is more of a thinking or pondering episode than a tool. You might want to grab something to take a few notes or just listen & let your mind percolate. Off we go!


Are You Ready For Your Own GROWTH MOMENT?

My purpose as a coach is to help unlock your full potential. Connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, visit The Growth Moment website, or email me at Go here to learn about all the ways to coach with me including one-on-one and my transformative group coaching.

Now, get out there and GROW TODAY!

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