The Growth Moment with Amy K Coaching
January 3, 2022

021 Map YOUR Growth Zone – With Just Amy!

just in time for the new year

This is a big strategic pause! It’s about elevating and amplifying your growth – growth for your business or career, personal growth for your next level of health, wealth, love, learning. Any & all. A dive into where you NEED to grow to become who you want to be and have your desired impact on the world around you. Let’s see what possibilities are ahead in your Growth Zone!



The start of a new year! A classic time to step back, reset and think about the go forward plan – whether it’s a strategic map for business, a list of new year’s resolutions or just a wish list for the coming months. All of those exercises are useful, but today I am taking you in a different direction. I want to coach on your GROWTH. A dive into where you NEED to grow to become who you want to be and have your desired impact on the world around you. Indeed, this brainstorming might result in a few resolutions or action items, but this is meant to be a stand alone tool. A moment for YOU to go deeper, think about the growth most precious and valuable for you. Create some clarity on what matters most. 

I am going to do a little closed eye visualization, ask you a whack of questions and POKE around in your head and your heart – an Amy K mix. Ideally, I want you to be able to kick back, relax into this coaching & be ready to take notes & jot down your insights & ideas. This is about giving you space to really hear yourself. BUT, if you are in the midst of other activities, you always can write down your takeaways later or listen again

Let’s jump in and explore your GROWTH ZONE!

Are You Ready For Your Own GROWTH MOMENT?

My purpose as a coach is to help unlock your full potential. Connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, visit The Growth Moment website, or email me at Go here to learn about all the ways to coach with me including one-on-one and my transformative group coaching.

Now, get out there and GROW TODAY!

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