The Growth Moment with Amy K Coaching
April 19, 2024063 Focus & Flow, Not Distraction – With Just Amy!
attention aligned with intention
How IS your focus & flow these days? Are you happy with how you are spending your precious time? Is it by design or more by default? If you aren’t satisfied, what’s blocking you? Is distraction an issue? Perhaps just good old fashioned overwhelm with too much on your plate. This episode is for YOU if you crave more focus & flow. Contentment with a day well spent. Walk away with commitment & actions to align your ATTENTION with your INTENTION!!
What about YOU? Are you craving more focus & flow? If so, what’s blocking or distracting you from what matters most? Are YOU in default mode with texting, email, Slack, social media, podcasts, Netflix, YouTube, household tasks or whatever else? Are you over indexed on multitasking? Perhaps you DO have way too much on your plate or in your life and you need “quote” distraction to decompress? Or maybe you need a few boundaries to bring some balance & THAT will naturally create more focus & flow.
There are endless podcasts, books, articles & experts on the topic of max productivity – hacks to get more output. That’s NOT what we are up to today. No push to DO more. I want to help you figure out what YOU need to have the focus & flow you desire. That’s the coaching angle – taking the myriad of opinions & advice and creating your own custom approach.
As I mentioned in the episode, if you need help getting clarity on your INTENTION, here a bunch of episodes.
Are You Ready For Your Own GROWTH MOMENT?
My purpose as a coach is to help unlock your full potential. Connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, visit The Growth Moment website, or email me at Go here to learn about all the ways to coach with me including one-on-one and my transformative group coaching.
Now, get out there and GROW TODAY!