062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

release what is blocking you!
A fabulous deep dive into the relationship between success and self validation. A chicken-egg kind of thing. My guest is Emily Perron – a stellar writer, speaker, and fellow coach. Emily asked to look at what is blocking HER next level of scale & influence for her business. Our coaching conversation questions our true definition of success, means vs ends, barriers, release and what embodied success looks like. You have to listen to hear how goddesses save the day! I am hoping that the coaching will help YOU ponder where self validation fits in & what will fundamentally free up YOUR success flow. Listen for the insights & inspiration that are meant for you.

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

056 Beyond Perfectionism – Growth Spotlight Nicole Baker Holleman

pause, presence & pride
There are many flavors of perfectionism, this episode is about the ‘never good enough, relentless inner critic’ variety. My guest is an incredible coach & podcaster, Nicole Baker Holleman, who helps high achievers move beyond perfectionism. Nicole brings courageous authenticity & willingness to be the client today and talks about her OWN process around perfectionism. YOU get to ponder where you face unrelenting self pressure & make a change. Are you ready to replace perfectionism with something more positive & powerful? Let’s go!

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

047 Principles of Power – Coaching Kristi B

how does YOUR power work?
I want YOU to think about the principles of YOUR power. Where do you feel powerful versus powerLESS? What is your source of power – do you think it comes from inside or out? As you listen to my coaching conversation with Kristi – ponder where you most need a power shift to create impact and momentum. I hope you walk away today with some fresh insights and ideas about you and power.

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

041 Claiming YOUR Space – Coaching Tyler S

move big dreams into reality
Grow YOUR confidence today to CLAIM a bigger space. Whether it is an actual physical space or place, a next level career or relationship or financial space. Especially spaces that you fear, worry and wonder if you truly belong. How CAN you be as BIG as you dream?

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success – Coaching Emily Perron

036 Leveling UP – Growth Spotlight Olivia Mariani

moving past imposter syndrome
Where do you want to LEVEL UP? The growth spotlight is on Olivia Mariani, one of my Growth Zone clients and VP Marketing at Curbio. We cover imposter syndrome, feeling out of one’s depth, moving from tactical to strategic. Think about where you want to level up. Have you just been checking the boxes and trying to ‘do it right’? Greatness & growth comes from a place of unfamiliarity and uncertainty!

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