067 Carpe Diem  – With Just Amy!

067 Carpe Diem – With Just Amy!

how will you seize YOUR day?
Carpe diem! Seize the day. A phrase with a built in shot of adrenaline. What comes up for you? Does it feel like an invitation or permission to make the most of YOUR day? Or more like a reminder or even pressure and an obligation? I hope this episode helps you shift into some positively productive Carpe Diem energy. To take charge, grab a chance, say YES to the opportunities that are here TODAY. It’s a short episode, so make it count!

067 Carpe Diem  – With Just Amy!

063 Focus & Flow, Not Distraction – With Just Amy!

attention aligned with intention
How IS your focus & flow these days? Are you happy with how you are spending your precious time? Is it by design or more by default? If you aren’t satisfied, what’s blocking you? Is distraction an issue? Perhaps just good old fashioned overwhelm with too much on your plate. This episode is for YOU if you crave more focus & flow. Contentment with a day well spent. Walk away with commitment & actions to align your ATTENTION with your INTENTION!

067 Carpe Diem  – With Just Amy!

060 No More Shoulds – With Just Amy!

moving from should to shall
Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Today we are focusing on the shoulda. I invite you to put a stop to SHOULDING in your life. I want you to either choose freely with no sense of obligation OR just don’t do it. No more guilting yourself into actions or letting other people or forces guilt you. YOU have agency! Stand up and OWN your choices. What are the ‘shoulds’ that are weighing you down? I invite you today to throw off the shackles of shoulds.

067 Carpe Diem  – With Just Amy!

058 What Really Matters For 2024? – With Just Amy!

brainstorming for the “new” in your life!
Before you jump into resolutions and plans for the new year – I invite you to brainstorm with me. You get to lean back as I ask you a series of questions to help YOU consider, contemplate and hopefully find next level clarity. Clarity on WHAT REALLY MATTERS. This episode focuses on the new year HOWEVER pondering ‘what really matters’ is good for all seasons & reasons. You can use it for any kind of “new.”

067 Carpe Diem  – With Just Amy!

057 YOU … 10X Bolder – With Just Amy!

what will you do or be?
What would YOU do if you were 10X bolder? What is the first thing that pops up in your mind? It’s a big question. Indeed, a BOLD question. I’m always a fan of lightning fast perspective shifts & 10X bolder does just that. It can move you from the ‘business as usual’ part of your brain straight into inspiration, innovation and impact. I hope you walk away today with your own 10X bolder thinking that leads to amazing action & results.